Why Children’s Vision Matters

Healthy vision is critical for every child’s social development, school success, and well-being.

A child’s vision develops from the time he/she is born until kindergarten. Infants can only clearly see objects that are 8 to 10 inches from their faces. A baby’s eyesight begins to improve at about 3-4 months old. Over the next few years, a child develops his/her ability to see further away, judge distances, and improve eye-body and eye-hand coordination.

A child’s vision provides an important source of information about the world around them. Thus, an uncorrected vision problem can interfere with a child’s ability to learn and reach his/her highest potential.

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Social Development

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School Success

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  • Children rarely complain about vision problems. Often, a child believes everyone sees the world the way he/she does. That is because children’s vision problems are often silent, without any signs.
  • Vision problems are one of the most common disabling conditions in childhood. About one in 20 preschoolers and one in four school-age children have vision problems.
  • Uncorrected vision problems in children affect health and wellbeing in adulthood, and can lead to permanent vision loss.

Ask a Doctor

Poor vision can impact a child’s development and learning. Learn why vision screening is important for young children.

Pregúntele a un Doctor

La mala vista puede afectar el desarrollo y el aprendizaje de un niño. Conozca por qué el examen de la vista es importante para los niños pequeños.


Healthy Vision and Early Literacy

Children with poor vision can struggle with reading, putting them behind in school. Learn how vision screening supports early literacy.

Vista Saludable y Alfabetización Temprana

Los niños con problemas de vista pueden tener dificultades con la lectura, lo que los retrasa en la escuela. Aprenda cómo el examen de la vista apoya la alfabetización.


Identifying Signs of Early Vision Problems

Learn the ABCs of healthy vision and what to watch for.

Identificación de Signos de Problemas de Vista Temprana

Aprenda los ABC’s de la vista saludable y qué debe observar.


Clarifying Vision Insurance

Learn about the vision services commonly included in most children’s health insurance plans.

Aclarando el Seguro de la Vista

Conozca los servicios de la vista que comúnmente se incluyen en la mayoría de los planes de seguro médico para niños.


Amblyopia and Importance of Early Vision

Amblyopia (lazy eye) can be corrected if caught early. Learn why vision screenings are important to detect amblyopia and prevent childhood blindness.

Ambliopía y la Importancia de la Evaluación Temprana de la Vista

La ambliopía (ojo perezoso) se puede corregir si se detecta a tiempo. Conozca por qué los exámenes de la vista son importantes para detectar la ambliopía y prevenir la ceguera infantil.

Preventing Early Childhood Blindness

It is critical to identify issues with eye health and vision development at a young age—problems are easier to correct when treatment starts early. Some problems, like amblyopia (also called “lazy eye”), can cause permanent vision loss if not caught and treated early.

Learning and Literacy Success


Healthy vision is a strong predictor of performance.

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Uncorrected vision problems are linked with lower early literacy performance and pre-reading skills in preschool and kindergarten.


Over 50% of Arizona third grade students are not reading proficient.